Customer Testimonials

Testimonials / Reviews from actual (REAL) clients who poster their personal travel pictures with testimonials on ALL FLAGS TRAVEL  Fan page  using their personal Facebook accounts.  Thank you to all the clients that posted a Testimonial Your Feed backs really means  a lot to us  and  had made a lot of positive results  to our company. To other clients who haven’t posted their feed backs yet old or new pls post  as soon as you can.

Thank you everyone! Have a great day and God Bless to all!!!


“We would like to thank ALL FLAGS TRAVEL MARKET for booking my Palawan trip, We trust ALL FLAGS  TRAVEL MARKET because I work at La Carmela de Boracay as a reservation officer and I handle all there bookings and deal with them on a daily basis. They are true to their word and ways meet their dues on time. Maculot Travel and Tour Agency is our top seller. Keep up the Good work and continue prioritizing La Carmela De Boracay! Thanks again!


Thank you so much ALL FLAGS TRAVEL MARKET especially to their staff for booking our trip. For giving us a hassle-free vacation. And to Island Star Express for the assistance that you have provided. We never expected that we will be treated that way. You were such a great team! Keep up the good work guys! It was such an unforgettable vacation for me and my husband. We really had a great time celebrating our wedding anniversary together! God Bless You All and more power to each and everyone of you! You guys rock!!!